Get Links to All of Your Medium Posts

Ahmad Awais ⚡️
1 min readMar 11, 2019


Maybe like me you are thinking about migrating away from Medium? While there are some complex guides available on how you can get links to all of your Medium posts, I have an easier one that just works.

  • STEP #1: Go to your profile latest page— swap my username i.e. mrahmadawais with yours.
  • STEP #2: Open JavaScript Console. On Mac press COMMAND (⌘) + ALT (⌥) + J. Or just right click > Inspect > Click the tab named Console .
  • STEP #3: Paste and run this command document.querySelectorAll(‘.c .h > a’).forEach((link) => console.log(link.href)) and you’ll get the links to all of your posts. Just copy them and use however you want.
  • STEP #4: For publications, go to your publication link, then add /latest to browse the latest articles, scroll down to the last article and then run this scrip in the JavaScript console → document.querySelectorAll(‘.postArticle-content a’).forEach((link) => console.log(link.href)) you’ll get all the links.

Peace! ✌️



Ahmad Awais ⚡️
Ahmad Awais ⚡️

Written by Ahmad Awais ⚡️

Award-winning DevRel Eng. ❯ ❯ Google Developers Expert ❯ Node.js Community Committee ❯ WordPress Core ❯ Self-confessed tech comedian!

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