Ahmad Awais ⚡️
1 min readApr 24, 2019


Awesome! 💯

If you love purple then you are like me. I think purple can be genius. It’s an awesome color. I have built an entire suite of Purple coding themes for VSCode, iTerm2, Alfred, Slack, and a number of other apps.

I think you’d love these themes. I call them 🦄 Shades of Purple.

Put Shades of Purple In Other Places

I have built other Shades of Purple themes for different software.

Here's a list.

And if you like the themes, you’d probably find my VSCode Power User Course quite useful.

Looking forward, peace! ✌️



Ahmad Awais ⚡️

Award-winning DevRel Eng. ❯ NodeCLI.comVSCode.pro ❯ Google Developers Expert ❯ Node.js Community Committee ❯ WordPress Core ❯ Self-confessed tech comedian!